Florida Cosmetology License Information

In order to obtain a license in Barbering, Cosmetology, Nail Technology, or Skin Care in the state of Florida, individuals must complete the requirements listed below. Other requirements may apply.

Cosmetologist: 1200 hours
Nail Technologist: 240 hours
Skin Care: 260 hours
Barber: 1200 hours

Continuing Education Requirements:

Florida's Bureau of Education and Testing is responsible for the management of continuing education providers and courses.

Continuing Education for barbers consists of completion of a Board-approved course on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) during each biennium before the license renewal date. The course will consist of education on the modes of transmission, infection control procedures, clinical management and prevention of HIV and AIDS, with emphasis on appropriate behavior and attitude changes with specific relevance to the practice of barbering, including sanitary requirements.


Reciprocity is given to those individuals holding a license from another state whose requirements are the same or more stringent than Florida’s. Home Salons allowed, as long as the salon has a separate entrance than the household, has a permanent wall separating the salon from the living quarters, and has a separate lavatory than the living quarters. Other minimum requirement must be met, and an application with fee submitted.

Contact Information:

Florida Division of Professions, Board of Cosmetology
Division of Professions
Board of Cosmetology
1940 North Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Phone: 850.487.1395