South Dakota Cosmetology License Information

In order to obtain a license in Barbering, Cosmetology, Esthetics or Nail Technology in the state of South Dakota, individuals must complete the requirements listed below. Other requirements may apply.

Cosmetologist: 2100 hours
Esthetician: 600 hours
Nail Technology: 400 hours
Barber: 1500 hours

Licensing Fee Schedule: (Fees subject to change)

Fee schedule is for all cosmetology fields.

Exam and Initial License Fee: $80
Renewal Fee: $20
Reciprocity Fee: $100

Fee schedule for barbers is as follows.

Exam Fee $100
License Fee: $50
Reciprocity Fee: $140

Continuing Education Requirements:


Applicants must have a current license from another state Applicants may become a licensed cosmetologist, esthetician, or nail technician in the State of South Dakota through reciprocity if their original current State license has equal or greater requirements than South Dakota. If applicants do not have a current license, they should apply as an out-of-state student. Education hours must equal those listed above. Work experience hours may be added to the education hours if applicants do not meet the education hours. Two hours of work experience equals one hour of education. Example: if applicant worked for 2000 hours, he/she will get 1000 hours, which is the maximum that can be applied toward the cosmetologist education hours. (If the work hours are over five years from the application, then the applicant must take a safety/sanitation course from the commission) Cosmetologist – up to 1000 hours; Esthetician – up to 350 hours;
Nail Technician – up to 200 hours.

Reciprocity for Barbers:

Applicant will need a copy of current out-of-state license; a 3×5 photo; verification of all past/present licensure completed by the State Board of Barbering in the State in which applicant is currently licensed sent directly from that State to this office; completion of formal education in a recognized School of Barbering – transcripts to be sent directly to this office from the Barber college. Applicants will be given credit for 50 educational hours for each month applicant has practiced as a licensed barber in another state whose hours are fewer than the 1500 hours required by South Dakota.

Contact Information:

South Dakota Cosmetology Commission
500 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501
605-773-6193 Cosmetology Barber